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About the webmaster

My name is nugget and I have coded this site with my own 2 hands!! other than using sadgirls template lmao. I am 20 years old and am from michigan!! I am an artist who draws mostly animals but other things too!

I like to collect physical media, learn about natural history, playing videogames, reading and watching movies and more! I am very into hollow knight, lotr and DUNE. I am also a medical assisting student and may talk about that in my blog, among other things, I hope you like my website :3

click bellow to visit my boyfriends indie puzzlers steam page!

Video of the week!

Status Cafe

Tour My Bedroom

Webrings and fanlists!

no ai webring previous random next a bluegreen rectangle showing the words the NO AI webring, with NO AI being written by a fountain pen, all in the style of 16 bit Windows 95 icons. to either side are two equally Windows-95-style cursors pointing left and right, softly bouncing up and down. in between it all is a small black question mark



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